DSLR Camera Apps for Android: Professional DSLR Camera

I have no doubt that the camera on your Android device is already great, but you can always get some extra features and some manual control using the apps I’m about to tell you today in this blog. Hi everyone, Today we’ll focus on the five apps that may improve your filming skills on an Android device. And the juicy part is, all of them are free from most of the features and options you might need from them.

1, Pixtica

let’s start with this app called pixtica. I chose to start with this one because it’s not trivial, actually, this is a very fun app. Several creative controls can get in this app are really something you won’t get in this stock camera app. First of all, you tweak the settings in this app by pressing the screen like when you’re normally locking the focus and exposure. And then all the other manual options come up so you can change exposure, wide balance, ISO, etc. And after you’ve registered just once, there’s also a range of creative features in this app, which pretty much none of the other ones have, like this planet thing or panorama. Also, you can actually capture gifts. I really like this little feature, you can feel something and it will turn it into a gift for you. In general, I can pray this app for its modern interface, easy learning curve and creative features. Now, let’s check out another app,

2, Open Camera

Might be one of the most popular alternative camera app for Android on the market. A great feature that is worth mentioning, it lets you essentially change the exposure separately from your focusing points. It’s rather easy to use. You can basically unlock the exposure of your image and then change your focus from the background to closer objects completely separately. It’s actually possible to do in stock camera apps too, but in the open camera app, it’s super handy, very easy to do on the go. Another great upside, you can set the bit rate of video recording. That means you choose the quality of the video. The higher the bit rate, usually the higher quality, but also larger video files occupying the memory of your device. Open camera is not only completely free, but also it is an open-source app. Practically, this means people are constantly changing, updating and improving it. Yet, you might get a few bucks, but on the other side, the app has great reviews and people rarely face serious issues. Another advantage, since it’s open source, there are no apps. What about the downsides? Well, there are some. For instance, this zoom can only go into 10 times, despite the fact that many modern phones can go up to 50 times and higher. Also, again, since it’s an open-source app, not all of the features can work well on every Android device. Finally, the interface is too basic, if you ask me. But again, as a completely free and new app supported app, Open camera is definitely a smart choice, and this is why so many people use it.

3, Footage Camera

This one actually looks very similar to this top camera app on your Android device, which is good. The interface lets familiar nothing is confusing here. You get controls down at the bottom and you can flick through them to see the different options. So it’s gonna feel very familiar for everyone. What’s great about this, though, is that the manual controls really are from the center. So you can change the exposure to wide balance and many other functions as well. All the manual controls are built in to be used straight away, which is kind of outstanding compared to the other popular Android camera apps. I also like the way the ISO and JIR speed are displayed right there on the screen for you to see. That works for both the photo camera and the video camera as well. Footage camera allows you to switch from manual focus and exposure to all of very quickly, and its really intuitive layout. Also, it gets low motion features, can choose the bit rate of your recordings, which is definitely worth mentioning. There are some limitations in the free version of the app, but I’m sure from most creators, that will be enough. Nilled that with all the free versions. features you are still limited to 5-minute recording. Of course, you can always stop recording and start a new one, but if it’s an issue for you, get upgrade to the paid version. Thinking about downsides, it won’t let you change the frame rate, at least I didn’t find that opportunity in the free version of the app.

4, Manual Camera

The name of this app speaks for itself. You get pretty much every manual control you might want. Yet the app is very intuitive. You just enter one of the controls, then it gives you a bunch of other controls that you can change and add it. Even in the free version, that’s a lot of controls. This settings screen is rather modern and clear, and here unlike in the footage camera, it can change the frame rate. Also, the bit rate is customizable. A really great feature of the manual camera app is focus picking. This is how it works. It lets you literally see exactly what is in focus and what is off focus with the health of visual indicators on the screen. This way you can easily be sure you keep in focus what you’re filming. Even cameras are from laggess kind of feature, you usually get focus picking when you buy rather an expensive camera. For example, this app, your phone, will be able to do that. One of the obvious downsides though, despite many great features available in the free version, the app is app supported, which is sometimes annoying when the app hits you in the middle of the shooting process. Also, if you want to record videos longer than 5 minutes, again you’ll have to buy the paid pro version of this app. But last time I checked, it was just 5 months.

5, Cinema Fv5

It’s fairly easy application to master, but here I would note not only the simple and clear interface, but also is beauty. I would even say in my opinion, Cinema Fv5 is the prettiest app on today’s list. I really like it. The layout of the icons is also an important parameter when you choose a camera app. The app might be powerful and have a lot of great features and nice clean interface, but if the buttons are in strange places, this will make the application uncomfortable for you to use. However, Cinema Fv5 is still worth a try. The main tools are in the bottom panel. Here you can adjust the focus and lock it. There are several focus modes, and you can also adjust the wide balance by selecting a regular preset or enter the exact temperature value. Other useful features flash, ISO, and ability to mind the sound through headphones. By the way, while you’re recording a video, the app displays a volume bar. This is very handy. This way you can be sure that the sound is clear and there are no peaks. If you open the more advanced settings, you can adjust what features to show on the main screen for example, you can add a histogram, another useful tool used by professional videographers. The Cinema FV5 app is available in a paid and free version. The free version has limitations. For example, you will have fewer choices in video resolution settings. However, the paid version of the application is quite affordable. And this is the end of my list. I tried hard to include the best Android camera apps I could find at the same time selecting diverse apps and giving You the rage so you can choose the one for your needs.

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